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  • Writer's pictureAnisha Bhatia

Home Away From Home: Little Bit Of DIY, Little Bit Of Renovation, That’s How I Decorated My New Room

For almost 26 years, I had stayed in my previous home, but it was time to pack all the memories and shift to a new house. Long story short – one of the biggest worry or I can say excitement was how I will decorate my new room. So, the preparations began. With a few trips to the market and a lot of internet research, I made a checklist….

The starting point was obviously to decide the wall colours – we are someone who doesn’t believe in paints, we wanted to stick to a permanent solution, which can cover us for good 10 or more years (if you live in India, the problem of damp patches on walls will be your biggest worry). So, we boiled down to a solution of using PVC sheets for our walls (PVC means Polyvinyl Chloride, a kind of plastic which is very popular, budget-friendly and easy to install). Believe it or not, in mere two days, our workers installed PVC sheets in my room.

What Kind Of PVC Sheets I Used

I decided to go with ivory white for all my walls - the benefit of using a light or white colour is that it makes your room space look much bigger. But, one main wall of my room was given a highlighted effect, for that I used a black marble touch PVC sheet.

Cost Of PVC Sheets: 2100 for one sheet, in total 4 sheets were used

Room Décor And All Things Nice

Next in the list was to decorate the room with all the old things I had..

Room Corners

I upcycled an old living room cabinet as one of my room side decoration corners. Added a few of the little cute things I had from my collection – snow globes, mugs from my travel collection, accessories trinket plates and some table lights, and tadda, the look was complete. Oh, being a Buddha crazy freak I am, I decided to add a Buddha statue on the top of the wooden corner.

Next, I decided to turn my mom’s trousseau trunk into a vintage storage trunk piece below my TV wall, which I can comfortably use as my bedside table as well.

What I did: I changed the colour of the trunk to match my room décor. Just sprayed a little bit of golden acrylic colour (FLASH Acrylic Metallic Colour 24 Carats GOLD PLUS (Code 106) from Amazon), and using a few pieces of sponge, coloured it completely. It took me 3 bottles (50 ML) each to get the tone of my choice…Next, I decided to stick a few of my childhood pictures on it and voila, it was ready! I have topped the trunk with few lights, added my travel mug collection. Here’s a look of my vintage truck, which I proudly call as my memory box :)

The third and last room corner in my room décor list is a low-height side table turned into a display corner for my upcycled bottle art…I have painted so far some 10 bottles and that little corner simply displays that. Obviously, like every other corner, this little space also has been given a fairy lights touch-up.

Inside Bedroom Small Kitchen Slab Turned Into A Make-Up Room

So, my new bedroom had a small kitchen attached, instead of demolishing it, I decided to use it as my make-up cum accessories room since I am a sucker for jewellery and cute little things. The entire room had minimalist décor but this one cute corner was filled with everything colourful. Frankly speaking, this be the best corner of my house ;) I decided to deck it up completely – I used photos (Oh, BTW hanging photos on walls is so passe, I placed some of my photos on the slab, added some tin boxes which I use for keeping accessories and a pinch of cute little figurines and candles..

I pepped up my AC wall with photos and masks. P.S Used the top small place above AC to display my lip glosses and small figurines.

Reality usage: Keeping the space for a real purpose, I also decided to use half of the slab to iron my clothes. Decked up that place with a wall tapestry cloth in elephant print.

Blast From The Past: Wall Shelve Storage Rack Turned Into A Memory Closet

One of the room corners had an old mirror shelf with three racks, which I decided to use as it is. Instead of stuffing with usual storage, I decided to stuff it with my decorations – soft toys, clutches, perfumes, and make-up.

And believe it or not, it comes so handy, extra brownie points for looking this beautiful. When I finished decorating this corner, it was like love at first sight. Here’s a sneak peek.



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